About fsww


You can reach out on the Karrot community forum. Introduce yourself here: All About Fodsaving

As we are a global and distributed community, we don't have an office. If you need to reach us, please use electronic communication. The following postal address is only listed here for legal reasons.

Kanthaus Wurzen
Kantstr. 20
04808 Wurzen

Support Us

We started using the open source platform Liberapay to accept recurring donations.

History and affiliation

Do you wonder how this is connected to foodsharing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland? We compiled a FAQ to answer the most frequent questions.

Click here to read about what we've been up to in 2017. (Sadly we didn't find the time so far to add more recent developments.)

A history that is more detailed but doesn't get updates anymore can be found in the legacy yunity wiki. It tells of the origins of foodsaving worldwide in yunity and foodsharing.de.


Pictures taken and provided with friendly permission by:

  • foodsharing Switzerland, Tilman Pfäfflin
  • foodsharing Wuppertal, Linda Springorum
  • yunity


Our hosting is sponsored by Manitu.de, which also provides the server infrastructure for yunity.org and foodsharing.de